Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Gospel Truth

The other day, I thought about one of my uncles who is deceased. I don’t know what triggered this memory, but it was accompanied by a depth of love, and I wondered if he is with Jesus or not. I didn’t know, and so I prayed.

You see, the truth is we are a fallen people in a fallen world. Without Christ, our existence is a story full of hurt and pain, unaccomplished dreams, unfulfilled expectations, brokenness, bitterness, false love, striving for what cannot satisfy, and glimpses of hope that amount to nothing in the long run. But my glimpses of hope produce happiness, you may protest. Maybe for now, but in the long run, Christ is the only thing that matters. All else falls away but love, and God is love. What of this happiness will you be able to take with you when you pass?

We’re ravenously hungry and never satisfied as we fill ourselves on the junk of the world. Sex isn’t enough. Alcohol isn’t enough. Lying, cheating, and stealing aren’t enough. We’re still hungry. So we do more, we try harder, we run faster after these things that feed us death and not life. It’s a remedy of the ancients that has never truly rectified anything. The hole is still there right in the center of our beings. The ache of dissatisfaction remains. Well then, let’s try something else. Let’s try bigger, let’s try better, let’s try faster. As long as we’re one up on our neighbor, we’re doing pretty good, right? Wrong! We all know by now the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. If we're still hungry now, with the better we thought would satisfy, won’t it be the same tomorrow?

You see, the truth is there was a beginning when God created the world. After that beginning, Eve sinned under brazen deception and Adam followed. Even now, we believe what we choose to believe and, so often, turn from the truth that has saved us through the ages and brought us the true joy and satisfaction that we crave. When Adam and Eve sinned, we were all affected. The world was thrown into chaos and has continued in chaos since. People have murdered, stolen, cheated, lied, and committed adultery and sexual immorality, in addition to other heinous acts since that moment. All of us are guilty of sinning against God and each other. It’s inherent in our nature.

But what does it mean to be a fallen people in a fallen world? Our Creator God had expectations of us when He created the world. Adam and Eve were to walk in community with Him and each other. They were to fill the earth with sons and daughters who walked in this community blessed with the presence of the Living God. The sin of Adam and Eve resulted in a separation between God and man. Think of a relationship that you cherished so much, but no longer enjoy. One simple act broke the fellowship of that wonderful relationship perhaps forever. And so it was with God and man. We were made the keepers of the earth and all that were in it. When we fell short of His expectations of communing with us, we drew the world down with us. The earth could not fulfill its true destiny if her masters could not fulfill theirs. And we can’t. Not without a little help from God Himself.

Enter the Christ. Who is this Jesus Christ you hear about? He is God in the flesh. After we broke communion with God, His desire for us remained, but, unlike most men, He did not let pride keep Him from seeking restoration in that relationship. He is not proud. He is love. So, He began the greatest rescue mission ever accomplished in the history of the world. He chose a man and a woman to birth a people with whom He might walk in covenant. He set this people apart and gave them His ways. They were given directions to attaining righteousness so our relationship with Him might be restored. But the arrogance and ignorance of man still kept us from Him. Lucky for us, He knew what would happen. From this people, who had His ways, He chose a woman to give birth to Jesus Christ. You see, even though the people fell short in their part of the agreement, He never falls short on His. God Himself entered into the flesh of man to be birthed through this woman that He might walk with man in the world and lead us back to our original purpose. He desired for both man and the earth, which man kept, to be restored and healed that both might walk according to their original design. And so God came as a man, Jesus Christ, walked with us and died on this earth. Of course, this isn’t the end. God has no ending. He is eternal. But didn’t He die? Yes, but He holds all power in His hand.

Jesus Christ died and, three days later, took His life back from death. He rose from the grave that He might make known the truth of His being to men before assuming His throne in Heaven. So, you see, Jesus lives. Not only does He live, but He eagerly awaits our coming to Him. How might this be if there has been a separation since Adam and Eve walked the earth? Well, when Jesus died on the cross, He took every sin that we ever committed and ever will commit upon Himself and put it to death with Him. God is just. It’s a part of His very nature, and someone had to receive the chastisement of our sin. He is also merciful, and He chose that someone to be Himself. He took the chastisement of our sin. You see, He had to come as a man to finish what man began. We brought sin into the world, and God came to remove it. He took our punishment so that we might have life.

I know the world is still full of sin, but there is an opportunity for it to be free of sin. And one day, it will be when Jesus returns to receive all of those who know Him and walk in relationship with Him. But right now, at this very moment, you can begin a life without sin and walk free of the guilt and shame of sinful acts. Unfathomable, I know, but all things are possible with God. He will remove your sin and give you true righteousness. That doesn’t mean you won’t sin ever again, it means that when you do, you’ll have access to the grace of God that brings repentance and forgiveness of sins. Once you repent, God removes it from you and His record. Jesus paid the price, and you can reap the benefits. How can this be? How is it so simple?

Our righteousness was never an option. We can’t be righteous on our own. We need God to be like God. It’s that simple. He alone is righteous. When we receive Him into our lives, He makes us like Him through communion and relationship with Him. So it’s kind of simple, but kind of not. He did all the work. We just have to allow ourselves to be loved and to love in return. Then you will know the feeling of true joy. Then you will find satisfaction and your hunger abated. Then, when you pass away and leave this earth, you will be certain of a treasure far better than jewels and a family closer than any you’ve ever known awaiting your arrival.

If you want to know Jesus Christ and walk in relationship with God, say this prayer:

Dear Lord God, forgive me for my ignorance. I have not known You, but now it is a sincere desire of mine to know You. I’ve lived my life in sin and shame. I’ve allowed guilt to fill my heart and indulged in things that do not satisfy. I have sought fulfillment in other places, but now I know that true fulfillment and satisfaction can only come from You. I repent from the sin that ruled me, and I say, from this day forward, I choose to no longer live for sin, but to live for Jesus Christ. Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me and taking my sin and punishment upon Yourself. I believe that You were raised from the dead and that You live now in Heaven, and I thank You for Your resurrection which gives me true life. Dear God, I invite You into my life and into my heart to fill me with Your love and to walk in relationship with me. I declare that You, Jesus Christ, are Lord over my life. I commit myself into Your loving hands, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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