Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rejoicing in Brokenness

I am 25 years old and still very young. Yet, I have experienced many times of brokenness, as I’m sure we all have no matter the age. I have learned time and time again that brokenness isn’t a sentence to depression, but rather an opportunity to rejoice in a love that is unfailing. No matter how much pain I feel when my heart is rent, I’ve learned to give thanks to the LORD God, because He is always with me. They say misery loves company, but His word promises those who revere Jesus: the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings.[1] He will bring comfort to our hearts and joy that gives new life. Because He loves us, He doesn’t remove Himself when we are miserable rather He draws near to us offering the grace to rejoice for those who take it.

Many times He doesn’t take away the brokenness, but He gives us the grace to endure it until His perfect work is finished in us. A rent heart is a blessed one for when it is broken, the contents that cause the brokenness can be poured out. Once mended, our hearts can once again be filled with the love, joy, and peace that God so longs to give His children who abide in Him. In Psalm 34:18, David prays, “The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.” When we have broken hearts, we can be sure that God is near to us and He is our salvation. In my own brokenness, I have experienced His perseverance in loving me. In my weakness, I have experienced how He faithfully keeps me in His strength. In the depths of despair, I have seen the beauty of God. And, so I have rejoiced, because in my brokenness, I have learned that God is my everything and my life is staked in Him. Without this lesson, I would be of those perishing. But, I chose to rejoice in brokenness, and it’s a decision I will make for the rest of my life. God is good, and He will perfect my faith as long as I remain in Him, especially in brokenness.

[1] Malachi 4:2


  1. This is written so beautifully. We must remember to walk in the spirit and find peace as well as comfort in the Lord.

  2. when I'm home (usually bc of family members' personal issues) I find myself broken a lot. Often it is better than usual - for that I praise God - but sometimes it's really not. What hurts the most is the fact that I can never just push it to the side and pretend it doesn't hurt, because it does. And maybe that's ok! Jesus understands our emotions, Jesus *gave* us our emotions, and He knows how to heal them. He also knows how to just be there. I never really understood before, but am beginning to understand now, what it means to love God for the simple fact that He is there through it all. We turn to the left or to the right, and He is there. Like David said, though I go down to the depths of Sheol He is there.

    - this is Ikee btw -
    and i love you!
