Friday, October 29, 2010

Seeds of Longing

I love Him. Sometimes, I love Him so much it hurts. I’m referring to Jesus in case there is any question. There is an ache of longing deep within me for perfection to come that I may rest in His arms for eternity, uninhibited and free of distractions: just me, Him, and the cool breeze of His glorious peace surrounding us. The depth of this longing occasionally gives rise to other aches. At first, they seem as competitors in the recesses of my heart. But when taken to the Father with a desire for freedom from anything that would hinder my loving Him, understanding comes. These aches are not competitors, but rather supplements on the path to eternity. I’ll liken them to seeds. Without the proper light, they may cause shame within our hearts. Without proper care, they become stumbling blocks. Without proper pruning, they grow into trials that may disappoint or lead us astray. But, when these factors are administered appropriately, they are dreams fulfilled that result in His glory and increase our love for Him.

In Passion & Purity, Elisabeth Elliot references these longings as she comments on loneliness, writing:

“The loneliness itself is material for sacrifice. The very longings themselves can be offered to Him who understands perfectly. The transformation into something He can use for the good of others takes place only when the offering is put into His hands.”

Regardless what situation you face, it can only be made good in His hands. In ours, we fumble and misuse it. God redeems all things, but how nice it must be to allow Him to work it out His way initially. This will not always be the case, but I want to encourage you to take these longings to God. They are His gift to you. Let Him help you receive the most from these gifts. How can these aches be a gift, you may ask. These aches cause a groaning within us that awaken our hearts to desires, dreams, and destinies that He wants to give us. Without the aches, we miss the beautiful gifts He wants to lavish us with. Without the longings, we miss the jewels He wants to adorn us with. They're not pleasant, but they are necessary in our journey to perfection. Where do the proper light, care, and pruning come in protecting these seeds of longing? The One True God. Jesus is the light that nourishes these longings as we receive of His glory. Holy Spirit protects and cares for them as we are led by Him. Abba prunes them as He causes them to grow into the trees that will bear fruit. Our light would give them improper attention. Our care would smother and suppress them. Our pruning would cut away the fruit bearing branches. Only God can faithfully produce a brilliant harvest from the seeds of longing within us. They were given by Him that He might be glorified through you. I encourage you to give every ache of longing within your heart to God as material for sacrifice. Those that are not of Him are better left in His hands, but the longings that are from Him will grow to produce dreams fulfilled.

1 comment:

  1. This is getting printed out and put on my wall.
