This is a vision I had. It's not like my normal posts, but I felt strongly that God wanted me to share this:
I was walking with Jesus and it was so peaceful. We were arm in arm and my head was resting on His shoulder as we walked into the sunset. Then, I heard the voices of men and women yelling, “Wages! Give us our wages!” This grieved me as it disrupted the peace that I was enjoying with my Savior and I didn't understand what was happening. Jesus was especially distressed. They didn’t know what they were asking for. Jesus cried out for mercy. I asked Abba what was happening. He told me there is a great cry arising in the world for their wages among Christians and non-Christians alike. People are crying out for justice and fairness. They want what they believe they have earned for their good deeds. They want things to be “fair.” Jesus’ sacrifice is being discredited and going unrecognized, even among those who call themselves by His Name. Abba told me that the wages of sin is death, but life is free. Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." They’re crying out for death, and Elohim will answer their prayers as they continue to cry out. They are crying out for their own death and destruction not realizing that they have no good deeds. The fruit of their labor, these wages they are crying out for, is death. Life cannot be earned. It is freely given. Man has a hard time receiving this gift, so they call out for what they’ve earned. In love and mercy, Abba has withheld their wages from them. The fruit of man’s labor has fallen on Jesus. It’s not good enough for too many. They want their wages. In full ignorance, they cry out for it. They cry out for death. Those of us who have received the life in Jesus that is freely given must cry out for mercy. Let us intercede for them that Abba, who loves mercy, will show them mercy.