Friday, December 21, 2012

Redemption is a Stained Glass Window

Redemption is a stained glass window.
My heart was seemingly complete in its own way
Without need of another, without reliance or trust
It was empty and alone, and yet the tranquil blue hue
Translated light into beautiful brokenness.
My heart, a whole piece of glass that was broken.
But then, it was shattered.
Failure and disappointment shattered this fragile heart.
I tried reliance, I tried trust, but hope in others failed me.
This shattered heart finally reflected it’s true state
My Redeemer Lives
Redemption is a stained glass window.
He took the shattered pieces of my heart
And fashioned them together with that of others.
Reds, Purples, Yellows, and Greens
Each heart, a color of it’s own.
Each heart broken in its wholeness.
But when it shatters, our Redeemer brings wholeness.
Each piece of a shattered heart fitted to the piece of another
Until the reds, purples, yellows, and greens tell a story of their own:
The redemption of our Savior.
In His light, we are found
Emitting the colors of redemption, hope, and love.
Wholeness is found in this stained glass window.  

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