Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Fear of the LORD


I want to do another series over the next couples of months. I’ve had the fear of the LORD on my heart for some time and have been eager to write about it. One of my consistent prayers is to grow in the fear of the LORD.  I think too many of us neglect this aspect of our relationship with Him. We need to remember that He is holy and approach Him with the proper respect.  Yes, He is our Father and our Companion, but He is also the Almighty God.  As a man should revere his father, a servant his master, a prince his king, so we should fear the LORD our God. It is of great importance to do so, and walking in this manner will bring many blessings. 

I will spend the next couple of months examining the fear of the LORD and highlighting the verses noting the many benefits of walking in the fear of the LORD on this blog.  I hope it blesses you and causes your relationship with Him to be more rich and glorious.

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