Sunday, November 6, 2011

He Is Faithful to My Heart Part 3 - Strengthening My Love

I watched Evan Almighty for the first time a few nights ago with my sister.  I was hesitant to watch it after watching Bruce Almighty, but I was pleasantly surprised by what transpired in the movie. It isn’t a typical Hollywood movie and the humor suited my taste more than the average comedies produced these days.  What I loved most about the movie was how the screenplay echoed my walk with God.  Obedience is a difficult thing for every believer. When God asks us to do something, the difficulty often lies in the fact that these tasks 1) take us out of our comfort zone, 2) require us to give up something we’re holding onto, and 3) are too big for us to complete without Him (translation: the tasks are overwhelming).  These are just a few of the challenges we face in obedience.  However, He does nothing in vain or wastefully, and with every assignment He gives us, there is a purpose and there will be great fruit that will strengthen us and feed others.

My favorite quote in the movie is, “Let’s just say that whatever I do, I do because I love you.” I was ready to cry when Morgan Freeman (who plays God in the movie) says this. It struck a cord with so many things that are going on in my life right now. I’m sure the sentiment would be the same at any given moment in my life. The truth is that our walk with God in faithfulness and obedience is not easy. There is much pain and heartache that comes as we die to flesh, but there is also a joy greater than the deepest pain that is promised and available for us now. To me, this quote epitomizes the heart of the Father for us. It shows His faithfulness in drawing us to Him.  The things He asks of us don’t always make sense to us, but when we obey, we are given a deeper understanding of His love and being strengthened to withstand the times that are to come.  When Jesus speaks to the disciples about the signs of the end times, He warns: “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 24:12-13, NKJV).  Whatever God does, He does because He loves us. His directions to us increase our love for Him and for one another so that when lawlessness abounds, our love will be strong in Him.  He is faithful in growing our love lest it grows cold and we turn from Him. He does this through the commands He gives and the tasks He places before us to accomplish. They are not always easy, but in the end, they will help keep us abiding in Him. Each task He gives is an opportunity for us to strengthen our hearts in Him. Let us approach these opportunities with the surety of His faithfulness and love for us.

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