Tuesday, December 20, 2011

He Is Faithful to My Heart Part 5 - The Promise Fulfilled

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.” Proverbs 12:13 

Life with God is one of hope.  Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” In this definition of faith, we see faith as the substance of hope.  It is the undying conviction of an eager expectation we hold fast to. Our faith is in God Himself, and our hope is in Him who promises the revelation of His Christ and His kingdom. We hope in God to fulfill the promises He sets before us. He promises the earthly manifestation of the testimony of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He promises the imminent return of the Christ and our ultimate bodily resurrection and glorification. He promises the salvation of the earth and the nations therein. He promises the eternal increase of the government of God.  Indeed, there are many great promises within the word of God, and we, in hope, are sure of their future fulfillment. It is this hope that anchors us to His word and develops in us the faith to see these promises fulfilled.  

Just as we hope in the promise of the coming kingdom of Christ to be glorified in all the earth, we hope in promises that God gives us daily.  However it seems that our hope in these intimate promises falter more quickly than our hope in the promise of His manifestation in the earth. We are waiting patiently, yet eagerly, for the return of the Christ, and we are steadfast in this patience. But we often fumble the promises made directly to our hearts of the goodness our Heavenly Father desires to bestow upon us. We are unfaithful with them. Abraham held to the faith in the promise of God for a son of Sarah's womb.  He hoped in the Name of the LORD, and he was rewarded for patiently enduring.  We must learn to do the same if we are to obtain the reward of each intimate promise Abba gives.  Yes, they are often slow to come, but they always come on time.  There is much to be gained in practicing this patience, but much can be lost in the waiting if we fail to maintain our hope.  The beauty of the promises of God is in the process as well as the obtainment. Don’t miss this beauty in despair. Yes, hope deferred does make the heart grow sick, but even waiting can draw us into the beauty of His heart.  And, when the promise comes, life bursts forth within our own hearts.  We are given a double blessing in this: a glimpse of His glorious beauty and a tree of life abounding within us.  The process is important for this double portion blessing, and how wonderful it is to obtain the desire, but during the process, remember the faithfulness of God. Lean on Him; gaze on His beauty; know Him.  He is preparing you for the promise.  Do not lose hope and heart, but know that He is faithful in preparing your heart for the gift, just as He is faithful in bringing the gift.  He is your God and your Father who loves you and delights in giving you good gifts. Receive them with a heart of faith and hope, knowing that He is faithful to your heart both in making the promise and fulfilling it. 

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” – Hebrews 10:23