Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When is the time to trust?
Is it when all is calm,
When waves the victor's palm,
And life is one glad psalm
Of joy and praise?
Nay! but the time to trust
Is when the waves beat high,
When storm clouds fill the sky,
And prayer is one long cry,
O help and save!

When is the time to trust?
Is it when friends are true?
Is it when comforts woo,
And in all we say and do
We meet but praise?
Nay! but the time to trust
Is when we stand alone,
And summer birds have flown,
And every prop is gone,
All else but God.

What is the time to trust?
Is it some future day,
When you have tried your way,
And learned to trust and pray
By bitter woe?
Nay! but the time to trust
Is in this moment's need,
Poor, broken, bruised reed!
Poor, troubled soul, make speed
To trust thy God.

What is the time to trust?
Is it when hopes beat high,
When sunshine gilds the sky,
And joy and ecstasy
Fill all the heart?
Nay! but the time to trust
Is when our joy is fled,
When sorrow bows the head,
And all is cold and dead,
All else but God.

- From Streams in the Desert

Monday, January 24, 2011

Let God Be Found True

Our Loving God promises many things to His people throughout history. The many promises in the Bible fall into different categories. Some are person-specific, while others are position-specific. To a servant, He may promise one thing, while another is promised to a son. While some promises are conditioned upon our response to God, there are promises made to us as children of the Living God that cannot be taken. Sometimes it may seem as though these promises are so far off or may never come, but God is faithful even when we are faithless. Since the beginning of this year, one verse has echoed through my soul:
“Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.” - Romans 3:4
But what does this mean? Paul was writing about circumcision and the consecration of the Jews as God’s people. God will remain faithful to His covenant with Israel. Many people doubt this, and I’m sure this very issue raises doubt in their own hearts of God’s good will towards them. Our ability to trust in God’s word, in His very faithfulness, is dependent on our historical and intimate knowledge of God within our own lives and the lives of others. He comes through for us time and time again. If He did not, He would not be true and our doubts would be justified. But He is true, and our doubts make us out to be liars. Again, Paul writes:
“If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.” - 2 Timothy 2:13
Jesus is the very Word of God. If God is not true to His Word, He is not true to Himself. There are promises God makes to us as His children. These promises are given for our good and His glory. We both win. He gives as freely as He loves. Beloved, this post is not about Israel, but your relationship with God. He loves you. He wants to give you good things. Hold onto the promises He has given you as His child, for He will make good on His word. And, if you have trouble believing, draw near to Him, for He will be faithful to you, even to the end.